Womens Jingle Dress Outfit Pattern Book
If you're not sure what size you need, you can look at the Womens Jingle Dress Size Chart.
When you purchase the Womens Jingle Dress Outfit Pattern Book (for women size 4/6 to 26/28) in your choice of size, you get:
- Choice of one size of Womens customizable patterns from 4/6 to 26/28
- Three front and back bodice patterns: one each for shorter, regular, and longer torsos
- Three skirt patterns (based on bodice pattern chosen): one each for heights 5'2" to 5'4", 5'4" to 5'6", and 5'6" to 5'8"
- A set of sleeve patterns: one for short sleeves and one for long sleeves
- A set of legging patterns: one for curved and one for straight cut
- A belt pattern
- Patterns printed on sturdy white paper, not tissue paper (see picture in sidebar)
- Detailed instructions on making a Womens Jingle Dress outfit (dress, belt, and leggings)
- Colored photos and illustrations to make the 40+ pages of instructions even clearer
- A measuring tape (see picture in sidebar)
- A seam ripper (see picture in sidebar)
- A notebook with a set of pouches to hold your cut patterns and store your instructions
(The full package weighs in at around 4 lbs.)